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  • Writer's pictureTristan Hunt

Facebook support the electronic music community by hosting AFEM members meeting

This week we had the privilege of hosting the first members meeting for the Association For Electronic Music (AFEM) at Facebook's London HQ. With the sponsorship of one kind member of FB's staff, AFEM, the non-for-profit trade body that represents the interests of the electronic music community worldwide, hosted it's quarterly update to a host of international members who travelled in to hear the latest knowledge sharing and insights impacting the electronic music industry. As an Executive Board member of AFEM I was pleased to help both facilitate this event, through my ever helpful friend at Facebook, but also to speak there, giving updates on the working group's I co-chair including sharing success in combating music piracy and some nascent work we have done to help foster support for those in our industry with mental health issues. More information on our work at AFEM is here

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